Summary A meek Hobbit from the Shire and eight companions set out on a journey to destroy the powerful One Ring and save Middle-earth from the Dark Lord Sauron
Country New Zealand
cast Elijah Wood
rating 1591797 vote
★ ♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧
★ ⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟
The lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring run time. The lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring soundtrack. Lord rings fellowship ring extended length. Best scene in the trilogy. This part was scary. So many of the three great races, all in the presence of the Ring at the same time, and any of them could've given in to its influence.
Sauron made 48 accounts to dislike this video. The lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring sa prevodom. The lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring online. Lord rings fellowship ring. The lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring full movie extended. When you hear that Dutch have found an antibody for Coronavirus.
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The lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring in hindi filmyzilla. The lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring trailer in hindi. Farewell, my brave Hobbits. My work is now finished. Here at last, on the shores of the sea. comes the end of our Fellowship. I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are an evil. Lord of the Rings FOREVER. The Lord of the Rings: The fellowship of the ring. The lord of the rings 3a the fellowship of the ring remix. The way Gandalf says Good gracious me. among many other lines of dialogue in this scene always remind me what made this movie so great.
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I have been reading some of the user reviews on this film and have been amused by some of them, slightly angered by others. I appreciate that everyone has their own opinion otherwise it would be a very dull place to live, but there are a few points brought up by other users that I would like to add my own opinion to.
Warning - There ARE spoilers.
1) Not as good as the book! This is an issue that will always come up with book adaptations. The key word here, however is adaptation. In the film medium artistic licence is a compulsory factor in order to appeal to a mainstream audience and also soften the Executives who are doling out all the finance for the film. The fact is that LOTR is an adaptation. It was never gonna be exactly like the book, no film could be. The alterations made by a director tells us alot about his/her courage,imagination and enthusiasm about a project. With that in mind, Peter Jackson is a very courageous, imaginative and enthusiastic person. He has shown such genuine love for a project (highlighted more on the DVD extras) that his adaptation has maintained the integrity of the original plot. The ommitance of Tom Bombadil was, in my opinion a very wise move, as was the ommitence of the character Glorfindel. Both these characters, while an interesting aside in the book bear no relevance to the plot and if where kept in the movie would probably draw out more critisism cos of the nature of driving a plot along in a film medium. The extension of Arwen's role in the film was a clever move as it does give us more of an insight into the elves and her role with regards to how she fits in with the Mythology and the Sacrifice she makes to Aragaon. This makes the reunion in the third book more poignant.
2) Too long? Well I think Jackson got this just about right. I was overjoyed when I heard it was going to be that long because I knew that Tolkiens work was not going to be cut to shreds. Make it any shorter and it will feel like a rushed movie. Make it longer by making the additions mentioned above and people will lose interest.
3) Bad Acting. This was one comment which did surprise me. It is very rare for a fantasy movie to have any real good acting because most of the dialogue is going to be hammy anyway. LOTR to me was the exception to the rule. The acting was surperb - One example where this can be seen is at the council of Elrond where as the debate was raging, Frodo stood up and said that he will take the ring to Mordor. The camera then switched to Gandalf. He slowly closed his eyes and you could see the pain he was feeling. The one thing Gandalf wanted was not to let the Hobbits find out about the horrors of the world and in that one facial expression he had realised he had lost that dream, A moment subtle and beautiful with all credit to Ian Mackellen. It is moments like that that shows real talent, and it was very much abundant in the film. I don't understand what some people expect with regards to acting when I hear comments like they thought the acting was poor. Do you want people on film to be screaming at each other all the time, breaking down in tears, confessing to their long lost fathers that they really love them. hmmmm No. Each genre has a tone and LOTR got it perfectly.
4) Doesn't deserve to be in the top 250? Who cares. A film to everyone should be something personal. It is always hard to put down in words how you are feeling. It shouldn't matter that your peers don't like the film and you do. The fact that some people gained something from it, either awe, sadness, anger, hope even... (Although that is more Shawshank territory) is a testiment to the film itself and it should not matter where it appears in some chart (No disrespect to IMDB intented. It all comes down to whether you as an individual like it or not and what it did for you.
After all that - Did I like the film. Yes. It is in my top five, it affected me on many different levels and I am in awe of Peter Jacksons vision and talent. How it affected me. well like I said it is hard to put down in words.
I'd give both my arms and both my legs to be there when they shot this movie. The entire cast looks like they're having such a great time. Also, it's interesting that while on set, sometimes Elijah speaks with an accent and sometime's he doesn't.
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4:09 Always makes my heart warm. 36:19 GET TO THE CHOPPERS! Nice. Best Film Ever. Well I watched it for 10 in the movie theater. and here they charge 25 lmao. The lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring (video game. The lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring extended edition. The lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring 4k.
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There's always been a Baggins living here under the hill... in Bag End... and there always will be. Sadly, Frodo was the last Baggins to live there. The lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring game. The lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring filmyzilla. The lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring online free. The lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring review. The lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring watch online. The lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring official trailer #2. The lord of the rings 3a the fellowship of the ring video doorbell pro. I like Frodo baggins his cute. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the king. The lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring audiobook.
The lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring netflix. 32:37 ring wraith holding an umbrella milling about is hilarious. I do wonder what was the ring saying when Gandalf was speaking the black tongue. I cry every time I hear this😭 Its so beautiful😍. The lord of the rings 3a the fellowship of the ring karaoke. This shall be played on my Wedding.
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the rings
If there's an afterlife, I want it to be in the shire, I don't care if I have to be a hobbit, I just want to be there: ♡♡♡. A scene made with such loving care. Everything is perfect... the music, the acting, everything. I remember my kids were 5 and 7 when we went and saw this in the theater, and they sat through every bit of it without a problem. To this day, we still go to movies together. 4:48 a still painting made into a movie. Classic Tolkein artistic rendition.
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But things are made to endure in the shire, passing from one gemeration to the next. Theres always been a baggins living here, under the hill. In bag end. and there always will be. Makes me well up each time I hear it, beautiful words.
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